Pawfect Match Virtual Training

The relationship between a dog and its owner is a unique bond. Omar von Muller, a respected and successful animal trainer, uses training techniques he has personally developed to gain the trust and respect of dogs. Whether training a dog for a Hollywood production or reinforcing tableside manners, each dog receives the same careful attention.

Omar is renowned for his innovative and far-fetched dog performances in the motion picture and television industries.

Our Pawfect Puppy Training Sessions include an array of training methods to help enhance the bond between you and your puppy. What you put into your puppies early training will ensure a well mannered dog in the future.

Each session will include a variety of techniques, and training insights along with plenty of opportunities to ask questions and gain the knowledge to further enhance your new puppy experience. We will run the sessions in small groups to maximize your experience and address any challenges you may be experiencing.

The sessions are progressive. For best results it is highly recommended that you join each week and work with your puppy everyday. Sessions will be recorded and instructions to review will be provided via email. We ask that you send us as many questions or challenges as you would like prior to the upcoming session.

This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend training with one of the World's best trainers all from the comfort of your home!

Puppy Training 101

An Interactive Three-Session Virtual Course Teaching the Basics of Puppy Training.

Next Level Training

A Three-Session Virtual Course Teaching  your Puppy more Advanced Commands.

Advanced Tricks

A Three-Session Virtual Course Teaching Advanced Tricks!

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